Haha... My poor blog has been stagnant. Chinese High and RISE concerts are over. And to be absolutely truthful, I enjoyed the latter more. To be highly specific, the second half of the latter. Oh well. It had a weird ending though.
What I found absolutely cute was seeing Elaine get pushed by Mr White towards her "Mr Right". Haha. Just kidding. For some weird and inexplicable reason, Tiannie decided to buy flowers for a certain someone. !. !!!!. But anyway she left before we could find her *hahahahaha*. So we didn't know what to do with the flowers. So we gave it to the soloist. Actually, Elaine got sabo-ed to give it to the soloist, though I did tell Tiannie she should do it. For an obscure reason, and for an obvious reason. (Speaking of solo, the bass concerto was... interesting. Really. Really interesting. As to athestically appealing... that would be something else. Dai hen ne...) Poor Elaine.
And poor me.
What I found absolutely embarrassing was... Ok, I found it embarrassing, but other girls wouldn't. My only excuse is that I'm not use to this.... Argh. I nearly wanted to borrow Elaine's bow for some protection, but I'm glad I didn't, 'cause anyway I didn't need it. Evil Tiannie and Elaine were laughing at me turning red.

What I found absolutely cute was seeing Elaine get pushed by Mr White towards her "Mr Right". Haha. Just kidding. For some weird and inexplicable reason, Tiannie decided to buy flowers for a certain someone. !. !!!!. But anyway she left before we could find her *hahahahaha*. So we didn't know what to do with the flowers. So we gave it to the soloist. Actually, Elaine got sabo-ed to give it to the soloist, though I did tell Tiannie she should do it. For an obscure reason, and for an obvious reason. (Speaking of solo, the bass concerto was... interesting. Really. Really interesting. As to athestically appealing... that would be something else. Dai hen ne...) Poor Elaine.
And poor me.
What I found absolutely embarrassing was... Ok, I found it embarrassing, but other girls wouldn't. My only excuse is that I'm not use to this.... Argh. I nearly wanted to borrow Elaine's bow for some protection, but I'm glad I didn't, 'cause anyway I didn't need it. Evil Tiannie and Elaine were laughing at me turning red.

Though the above. embarrassment isn't exactly for the same reason as mine.
Oh well.
The trip to the NEWater plant was informative enough, but it was just moving too fast. So at the end, I don't really recall much. Oh well.
Chinese Literature 统测 is next Thursday. Wish me luck!
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