Sorrow's such a heavy load
Dreams can be heavy too. Aspirations can be troublesome as well. When I doubt the capability of my wings, there are Hands sufficient for me, and for the whole world for that matter.
Hmm... Just as a thought...

So sweet! Reminds me of SOMEONE and someone... Haha. Shall not mention names because I can just see her hand about to slap my thigh real hard! *ooooh... pained look* This is a tribute to you two so don't give me that LooK! I found this in my folder and it somehow brought the two of you to mind. Here's to wishing you trust and joy. ^_^ The two of you make such a sweet pair!
On a more down-to-earth note, Phuazzie the fuzzie was helping me with with Binomial Theorum today and I finally sort of see what some see in Tr+1=(x)^n-r.(y)^r Yayyeee! Muah muah fuzzie!
At least now I understand Math, or part of it. What I know is that I'll never understand some people and why they do what they do. Shall learn to take all things at face value, while understanding that they're usually deeper than that.
I envy those who know what they want to do after school. I don't know what my heart wants.
Wait, maybe I do. It sure doesn't want to go for flag day tomorrow.
Puh-lease, 8am at Somerset??
I want to sleeeeep! MEANIES, cruel people who think not. Come one, who is walking around Orchard Road at 8am in the morning??? Only pathetic students like yours truly forced into such CHPs. It is SO not nice for both the harasser and the harassee. What can I say anyway? The charities make Flag day sound so important for their survival, which is probably true. Its the only fundraising they do. I shall swallow this quietly then, but not willingly.
8am at SOMERSET!
I live at Jurong East. Spare me someone.
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