Karenai Hana

Monday, October 09, 2006


Argh, I can't stand it when the IP people have something on and the rest of us don't.

Thanks to their EOYs, we, the poor O Level people, have nothing to eat.


I'M HUNGRY!?!?!?

Why is the canteen closed at 2pm??


I'm gonna fall asleep during music lesson.


Awh, I HATE it when the IP people have these kinds of things going on. First sabbaticals, then now their EOYs. They turned off the darn bell during their sabbaticals, but yet couldn't be bothered to do the same for us poor O Level people during our Prelims. Now, during THEIR EOYs, they turned off the bell AGAIN! OH JOY!

IP this, IP that.

:( (Pulls a long face. Stomach makes irritating and emabarrassing noise again.)

Well actually it just shows you that fasting for one meal isn't actually so bad.


Ok, that was yesterday. I'm back in the music room! Different computer though. Waiting for the Sec 1s to finish their EOY HMP Paper 3 assesments so Mrs Ee can come help us. Sigh. O Level Music Paper 3 is... NEXT THURSDAY!!! OH joy. Helphelphelphelphelp.

On the brighter side, I can say "GOODBYE and GOOD RIDANCE" to my grade 7 exam pieces AT LAST. Oh!... I'm so bored of them.

*Some Sec 1 is playing Pink Panther on the piano. Haha. So lame.*

Sigh. I want to learn the harp. Sigh.

A symmetrical looking sentence. Cool huh?

*Screams: Sec1s hurrrrry up. I want to PRACTICE!!*

Aw. My juniors are so talented.

Excuse my useless and redundant rambling.

Chinese Lit does something to the brain. I need an escape!

Oh! Guess who finally got caught for skipping school. She has the worst luck I've ever seen in a person. But I guess that's just because she used it all up already. Got away without CCA, walked out of school in between lessons without getting caught, yup, there's a limit to how lucky one can get. Just so happened that our form teacher called her dad to ask why she wasn't in school. That's unusual for a start, because Ms C doesn't often call parents about stuff. Must be because of the canteen food poisoning thing. Man, she chose a lousy time to skip school. Well anyway, it also just so happened that she told her dad she was going to school. Add those two "just so happened" together and what do you get? Major busting.

I feel kinda sorry. After all, its like, the last week of our four-year education in Nanyang, and she had to get into trouble on the 5th last day. Isn't that sad?

But then again, she does deserve it.

Ok, I promise I shalln't be so gossipy again.

Sigh. I'm so tired. Yet somewhat motivated. What to do? Who knows.


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