Karenai Hana

Wednesday, November 05, 2008

I always knew that s*** happens, but,

Biology today was horrible.

I don't know if all those smart RJC, HCI and NJC people will beg to differ, but personally,

It was CRAP.

Half-way through the paper I started wondering, seriously wondering, if I was doing the wrong paper. Then I looked up and saw my classmates and the badminton hall and realized I couldn't be.

Why did it feel so unfamiliar then?

I think most of us thought so. I heard someone gaily saying that she thought it was "alright", though. I want to know what on earth she's been using for practice to think that such papers are "alright".

I could answer most of the questions. Based on my own guessing and inference.

About three-quarters through the exam I began to think, "Did my teachers forget to teach something in the syllabus?"

By the end of the exam I was pretty sure that if I still manage to get an A for this,

It'll be God's grace, really.

やっぱり, 私はべんきょが: だめ!!!

Uuh. :'(

But at least now we all know what to expect from the days ahead, right Shooee?


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