Karenai Hana

Thursday, August 18, 2005


Ooooh. Just found a lot of comments on my other blog, the English Elective one just now... hmm. I wonder. Are they just pure advertising or do they really mean it? None of the comments are really constructive, just some 花言巧语。 Huh. Nevermind. I have to continue anyway, 'cause I'll be marked for it.

Piano exam's tomorrow! Argh. I still screw all my scales up.

X-country is tomorrow as well....

Math test is tomorrow as well....

So by the end of tomorrow, you are going to see one dead Jane.

We had a lovely cooking talk today. Shall not elaborate, but now I see why most people say that all guys think about their stomach. But actually those things sounded rather inconsiderate to the third part of the alimentary canal. I mean if you eat all those things won't there be a miniature explosion?

I shall stick with convensional. What's wrong with that? Some of those things sounded so sinful. But nice too... Hmm... Well, as it is, I have no more room for extra fats. Haha. People like Elaine sure could use some though.

Chinese Lit was okay today... I guess. She said all ten poems were going to come out, but in the end only six were tested. Argh. I studied particularly hard for those four too. Spent extra time on them. And guess what? Due to time constraints (somehow this line doesn't sound new), I only manged to finish studying nine poems. And the last, neglected and unhappy and unstudied poem was tested. Life's like that huh? Can't believe it. Nearly flipped when I saw the question paper. Oh well. Now at least I can focus on my piano. To heck with Math. (Btw, I failed the last one with a fantastic score of 19. Never in my dreams... or even in my nightmares.) My piano is priority!

Don't let Ms Ng hear that one. Some of my teachers as well as my parents have been saying that my music should take a backseat now. Can't remember if Ms Ng was one of them, but I have this feeling she was.


Sigh. Ok, ok. I know. (Hope I got the kanji right.) Ok fine, I have O levels next year. Haiz.


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