Karenai Hana

Thursday, February 17, 2011

week 6

Project work again.

I don't like project work. I'll be frank. It makes me reliant on strangers- their work ethic, their interest, their skills, their biases, their strengths and their shortcomings. Now if it's with someone I already know, even if only on a shallow level, I can live with it.

But when you're trying to do well, and you have to juggle all these factors as well, and remind yourself not to offend anyone or to be too pushy... It makes me want to give up. Especially when they're senior and seem to think they know better than you. (That takes the biscuit, that does.)

But if our science students will kindly cede the literary bits to us arts students, I guess I'll be satisfied.

That said, project work takes up a lot of time. So thanks, dear Japanese lecturer, for setting up so much project work, and especially making us run to various places during the holidays. So much for wishing us a good holiday. I wonder if you really wished us that, or if you said so knowing full well what you're making us do.

Feeling like such a nasty, irritable and depressed pig. I want to freeze time indefinitely.

But whenever it comes to project work, I'll always remember the project group I had two semesters ago. Some social work module, with 6 fourth years in my group. It was kinda nice to just go along, cause it was only my second semester and I had zilch to offer. I mostly rode on the backs of whatever they did, but somehow most of them actually thought I contributed something to the project.

I just went to download something off the project community for Mom (and am quite surprised it's still there after a whole year). It's a bit depressing to think that I'm the only group member left in NUS. I wonder how they're all doing. And to realize that it won't be long before I'm out of NUS too. I'm not dreading it, but I'm not looking forward to it.

Come to think of it, I haven't looked forward to much lately.

O. I need to find Shooee, Shawn, Elaine and Shana a birthday present each. Would any of you be so kind as to give me a wishlist? Or a hint? A clue?


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