Karenai Hana

Tuesday, July 12, 2005


I wonder how much of our lives is spent waiting.

Sat for my Chinese O Level Oral Exam today. Oh no, I think I'm soooo going to flunk it. Somebody or something pressed the stop button in my brain. And so the entire oral was “问一句,答一句” the whole way through... I really really cannot express myself in any language other than English. What a failure. ARGH! Huh. At least I did better in the panel discussion during English right before Oral Exam... Though Mrs Chitra remarked that my eyes were not focused. Haha. Was trying to look at too many things at one time... Anyway I waited and shivered and nearly died of a nervous breakdown for TWO WHOLE hours before my turn came. They took TWO WHOLE hours to assess 10 people. Sheesh.

Anyway I ran down to the audi at 4.05pm certain that they would have already come out of the audi rehearsal, but instead caught them just in time before they went on. Turns out they had been waiting for their turn. It was a good thing there were lots of people and things to take my mind off it. I just about started crying hysterically on Li Bing's shoulder, though I don't think she was aware of that.

Sigh. What a busy day. One of the old newspaper articles I was trying to study before the Exam was about 移民,and I sympathise with those who decide that a life overseas would be much easier. Because I totally agree with them, for after comparing notes with Olivia, life is much slower Down Under. How nice. Those people can go talk all they want about patriotism. When it really gets down to it, people have many other things to consider other than loyalty to the country.

Got yet another Chinese Lit test next week. Better not flunk it again. So now I'm trying to memorise 那三首诗。


That's one down... two to go. Tian yi was laughing when she first heard me say “坐爱”。 Actually the whole class burst out laughing when we first heard it. Oh wells. So much for innocence eh?

Yawn... have to go practise piano.. I still haven't found a suitable black skirt/long pants for the HMP concert thing... Oh what am I to do? Maybe I should just go buy and new one... That would be such a waste of money.

Good luck to Elaine for tomorrow's Oral Exam!

Thank God mine is DONE with.


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