Karenai Hana

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Singapore-Amsterdam-Prague Day 1- Thursday and Friday

Oh my gosh, yesterday was such the longest day of my life, all thanks to that 13 hour flight that joined my Thursday and Friday together. True, I did manage to sleep most of the flight away, but as Shana understands, there was no 'REM sleep'. Not to mention the countless meals I had, the names of which I have not yet figured out because I gained 6 hours in coming here... No doubt I have gotten fatter.

The journey was a bit surreal because of that, though now I distinctly remember being asked, most seriously, at the Amsterdam security check, what on earth I was going to Prague for. That was quite a surprise alright. I guess being a young female has usually meant that I'm not suspected of being anything by innocent. Thus far anyway. Its a bit strange to be an Asian in Europe, because now I'm the odd one out being stared at. So please my friends, try not to stare at ang mohs in Singapore, hot as they may be (got that, Shana?)

Anyway, after the long journey Hanbee and I lost our courage to use public transport and took a cab to the hotel instead. Which, although it cost us a fine sum of SGD36, still feels like it was worth it. Its the tipping I still can't get used to though, 10%, which may be better than 17%, but who knows, perhaps their taxes are included in the price tag already.

We couldn't check in till 12pm, so we went wandering around the vicinity, and found to our surprise that behind the old traditional facades were shopping malls not too different from what we get in Singapore. Even the brands we found were similar- Marks and Spencer, Espirit, Top Shop, Sephora... Not that we did much shopping though, the prices were not very much cheaper. Although the sales discounts may change that. Hanbee and I have made up our minds to go shopping like tourists, even if Shawn may not agree to go. Hahaha (:

Food is still a bit of an issue here... I'm starting to miss rice and dishes and all that. Here its bread and bread and some more bread... Although I must confess Hanbee and I succumbed to the need for rice and ate some for dinner yesterday. It wasn't too bad really, for Chinese food in Europe, and it was about the same price as everything else in the mall anyway. The waiters and waitresses were Chinese, as were the cooks. The waitress was surprised when I spoke to her in Chinese.

How hard life is for these people, to have to leave their homes and come so far to work. But I wonder why Prague? I didn't have a chance to ask yesterday though.

Which makes me rather ashamed of myself. Perhaps it was the jet lag talking, but even today when I have been rested I'm still fighting a battle between excitement and homesickness. Sigh. It's just for 2 weeks, and its a nua holiday at that! Yet I felt so strongly yesterday that all I wanted was to be back in Singapore, and that I shouldn't have left home in the first place.

But comfort came from Hanbee, cause she just doesn't think so much and get her head in a mess like I do. She was, and is good company. Another unexpected source was from the Lord of the Rings- The Fellowship of the Ring. I was reading about Frodo's leaving the Shire, and the many things that Tolkien included in his book about travelling and returning home and the comforts that a traveller may find really struck a chord with me. The most poignant was when Frodo said that one may wander more willingly and cheerfully when one knows that somewhere behind is a safe and comfortable place that will ever remain so, even if one does not return to it.

And yet I know for sure that I will return to that place eventually, whether or not I want to. I have been such a big baby, and to be sure I think I still am.

(The wisdom of Tolkien has also led me to realize that without trials and experience in life, one cannot rise to such heights and create works of art that really move people. Tolkien must have felt all those feelings that his characters had, in order to write what he wrote. That's what separates a legendary writer from a simply good one.)

But the battle against homesickness and all negative thoughts is a winning one, especially after taking in some of the sights yesterday. We watched an open-air performance on the main street yesterday, and I was just filled so strongly with the realization that that was what I had come all the way, 13 hours plus, to Europe for. Only in Europe.

And so with this realization, I will look forward, but not too forward, and backwards, but not too often. And I will rely on my God to continually guard my heart and mind with his peace that surpasses all understanding.

Plus Shawn's joining us today. That means I won't have to shoulder the burden of taking care of transport and meals all by myself. Yay.

Till tonight then.


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