Karenai Hana

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

*collapses... from relief*

Tuesday: Oh no, camp is coming soon! Yes, you got that right, oh no. SO many things to do. Poor tiannie. When she comes back and sees how dead we are, she's probably going to cry. Hopefully not though.

Rargh. Spent today doing tickets with my two dear comm members. Haha, we had such INteresting conversation topics, didn't we girls?

Hmm, no school has come to me for ticket orders yet. His name is so much more famous after all... Well, they'll have to sooner or later. *lalala*

Oh no. So much HOMEWORK! Die.


Friday: For some reason, I seem to be everybody's doctor (counsellor, abet a lousy one). And it ALWAYS seems to be about affairs of the heart. WHY they choose me I'll never know. It's not like I have any experience or anything. In fact I'm a failure here. Maybe that's why I can counsel... haha.......


Sigh, homework, homework.

Here I am sitting at the computer with my hair wet and the cold wind and slight drizzle blowing in at me from the window.

I sense a headache coming.


everybody's doctor even though i'm nobody's date. so amused ^_^

Sunday, November 27, 2005


Totemo ureshikatta yo
kimi ga warai kakede ta
Subete o tokasu hohoemi de
I am back. Have been for some time actually. Its been so long. But yet it feels like only yesterday. Shang Hai was fun ^_^! Love my room mates, even though one of them got sick and threw up a few days before we were due home.
*Pulls blanket off, and pillow out from under head, then push up to sitting position*.
Thankfully I don't have to wake up so early anymore... so now I'm the last to wake up, instead of the first. I'm also thankful that noone rolled off the bunk bed... Haha. And oh yes, someone still owes me $$. Haha.... ^_^
Lala... The things in Shang Hai are so cheeaaap! Especially the music CDs, so I bought 6! I've never bought so many all my 15 years in Singapore. When I showed them to my piano teacher she was all "Why never buy piano works?!?!" Oops. Subconsciously all the CDs I bought are string works (with the exception of one CD by James Galway). Hmm... I wonder why? ;P
Yay... bought 7 扇子 as well. Again, don't know why. All I know is that they are pretty!
Cheap as all the things were and as fun as bargaining is, I didn't manage to spend all my money. In fact, I even turned banker (loans department). Haha.
The thing that really bored my shoes off me were the 2 纪念馆 and 3 历史博物院 that they made us visit. (Oh gosh, bored to tears!) I couldn't wait to get out of there... I admit there were one or two interesting parts but I hated the 纪念馆, which were in fond and loving memory of 鲁迅 and 宋庆龄. Sigh... Ok, maybe the 宋庆龄 one was interesting 'cause of all the interesting people she met, and her obvious love for her country (to the extent that she worked with the communist just to help the people even though her late husband was the nationalist 孙中山; she herself said that it didn't matter whether one was communist or democratic, she wanted to help the people). That was pretty touching. And very self-sacrificial.
The only thing interesting about 鲁迅 was his 《阿Q正传》. I read it the evening after we returned from 乌镇. Everyone else went shopping in the main shopping district but the bookworm in me just couldn't drag herself off the bed and away from the book. So I had a nice cosy time in the dorm, just me and the book ^_^.
We did SO much in Shang Hai, it seems like we were there ever so long. Yet when I come home and realize that nothing, with the exception of the layout of KAP and a new traffic light along the 66 route, has changed, it seems like 14 days was such a short while.
So don't ever wish time would stop, because somewhere out there someone might be wishing it would go and never return. Regardless of whether I'm having fun or crying my eyes out, I'm glad time doesn't stop, because that's how beautiful memories are formed, that's how we get to see the lovely side of life.
Oh yes. I have three pen pals now. Haven't started writing to any yet. Oopsy... At least one of them said I could write in English (whew!). They are so going to laugh at my Chinese....
Shopping with my roomies was a memorable thing too... I shall never forget all the various ways of bargaining. My most memorable one was when I asked, out of pure curiousity (I swear it!) how much a particular fan cost, and because I told the guy I was just curious and started walking away after he told me it was 85 yuan, I miraculously got the price cut from 85 to 70 to 50 to 20 to 15 yuan. I really, really did not do that on purpose and I was really just asking out of curiousity, but who can resist such a price? ^_^ Anyway that was the last fan I bought. Method No. two of bargaining is standing right there in the shop and repeating the price you want like a broken record. This is Nat's brainchild. The shopkeeper will just naturally start lowering the price until you get what you want. Heehee... two shop owners told Nat and Rachel that "你们这些小姑娘太会杀价了!" Haha, I am so amused! (Nobody in Shang Hai calls one a "小姐". My mom says its a bad thing in Shang Hai.)
Shang Hai was fun, but coming home to a beautifully lit Singapore at night was even more fun.
Had my first CCA pract. Amazingly I did pretty ok even though I haven't touched my violin for two weeks! (No glares coming this way!!!) Whew! Open House is over too but if you ask me it was a pretty darn waste of time and energy. They should just organize a concert for all the performing arts groups.
Camp and rehearsals is pretty messed up now (at least to me, some people with slightly lower standards would call it running smoothly). I seriously need to clear something up, so I hope I get to ask!
Yay, Tianyi is coming back in 5 days' time!

Monday, November 07, 2005


I just read someone's brilliant comment on the HCISO tagboard on suggestions for concert names. Fantastic! Except let's change the last four letters to a slightly longer five letter acronym, shall we? But actually that's not fair. I've got nothing against the rest of them. How about a shorter two letter initial? There, much better. In fact, perfect, if I may say so myself.

Huh. I remember my promise. I hope you do.

And no Corde III either. We'd end up like the concert band, with Apassionate IX. Though the name's not so bad its a little, shall we say, stale?

So many things to do. Poor Eunice is going to get the brunt of it when she returns. My turn will be over tomorrow.

Rargh. At least I've already packed.

Can't wait, yet can wait, to go to Shang Hai.

Got to bug Jeremy to feed Munchkin and MaoMao.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Rargh... Feel like I'm going to collapse. Can't wait to fly away to Malaysia and Shang Hai. I'll be AWAY at last. Lucky Elaine. I still have ONE more session to take care of... all on my own. And why? Because 5-2-1-1=1. Oh man!

Mercy... Have compassion and make it bigger... I suppose its only fair of me to tell them all this, but I really don't know how to put it across! (According to physics, pressure increases when the area of contact decreases).

Help... can't breathe. So many things to do! ARGH. Everything is so vague, so half-way-there, so incomplete. And its not JUST all those expectations and responsibilities, its school work too! I am totally flunking A Math and Chinese Lit, and my Chem is barely making it... Now I sort of understand why he gave up his post.

Some holidays. I hate people who go "Oh, since its the holidays, lets plan something!!!!" Freak them. Like hello? Go check out the dictionary meaning of "holiday".


According to the Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, the meaning of "holiday" is "a time of rest from work, school etc". Note the words "REST", "WORK" and "SCHOOL ETC".

In my humble opinion, the meaning of holiday should be changed to "a long but seemingly short period of time when students need not attend regular lessons, but are still expected to behave as though they are still in regular term time i.e. returning to school almost everyday and having a lot of homework, which is also dubbed 'holiday homework' that in reality is no different from from their usual homework".

Or how about this. Scrap the word "holiday", and replace it with the word "busyday".

And after I go, it'll be 5-2-1-1-1=0. Good luck, my friends. Malaysia, Shang Hai, here I come.