Karenai Hana

Monday, December 26, 2005

Merry Christmas!

Yes. Its a little late, I know. But I've been trying to avoid going online. It's part of the busy life thing. And now dear mommy is scolding me. For wasting time online. So, dear reader, if I disappear suddenly from MSN Messenger, you'll know why. Begging your pardon. Yes.

Friday was our comm meeting, and the librarian came to check on us three times... oopsy. Then we went down to check out the new string instruments shop (actually I also saw a flute in the shop). Yay... the store keeper was nice and friendly so we got to use his nice expensive instruments. For free! So we started practicing our quartet pieces right in the middle of his shop, just that gloria wasn't there, so it made a trio. Sounded queer without a Vln 2 part. But the really nice Christmassy thing about it was that when we practicing, this Indonesian choir came into the shop (we gave the shop lots of publicity. I don't think the owner really minded lending us his instruments. Hee hee) and when we started playing Largo (Handel) they started singing along! ^_^ So nice and warm. (Hee hee... the best thing was that I got lost in the middle so their singing helped a lot.)

The instruments' look was asthetically rather appealing, even though there wasn't any fancy designs or carvings. The response was also very good, though the strings were very soft so it was difficult to play loudly without all those "scratchy" noises. (I can hear my violin teacher's voice echoing, "No scratchy noises! Must be clean and clear." Somehow the way he says "scratchy noises" always makes me want to laugh.)

Then it was off to IMH.

No, I'm not going insane. We were invited by our senior to play. For the patients. They were all rather old (as in older than my parents.) They did know how to keep quiet and all, as well as clap at the end of a piece. There was one particular patient who could play the harmonica, and he was pretty good at it too. He kept telling us to study hard.

It's rather creepy at IMH, because all the ward doors are locked, and opened only by keys. To add to it, while we were on our way out we say a sign saying "Mortuary". Like, GOSH, do they have THAT many dead bodies lying around??? OH MY GOSH. I was sooo shocked at first, but after I thought about it I realised that since IMH is like a hospital its only natural for them to have one. But its still creepy!

While I was watching the patients, I realised what it meant to live day by day. They don't go around making plans, they just live, doing the things that need to be done everyday. And the only thing different about them is that their behaviour and thinking doesn't match their age. You start seeing old grannies acting like they're five years old. And people in their 50s still living in the days of their O Lvls. It's as though they just didn't grow up. But the atmosphere I felt there was rather calm and peaceful, though the locked doors were something I didn't get used to.

Now I know what kind of people go to IMH. And I'm relieved that nobody I know has any potential to be going there.

Hmm. Christmas is over. And I haven't sent out my Christmas cards yet. Oh gosh. And I still have the cards I received from last Christmas. ^_^

I always receive lots of cards 'round this time of the year. For more than one reason.

Still remember my stupid stand partner was so loud mouth. Be warned any one else who dares to sing me that stupid song when I don't want it....

Lalala. I shall post the pictures I took of Mao Mao as soon as I find out how to. Rargh. Help me elaine!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Rolls eyes

Ok so Alan didn't come for music lesson after all. Fine, fine. Mrs Ee taught only Sonata form anyway, and its simple enough for them to go read up on the topic themselves, especially someone so pro-ded like Alan. Maybe he already knows. Hmm.

Rargh. Spent the whole afternoon with Elaine and Eunice moving stuff and cleaning a few years' worth of dirt off the cupboards NYSE has just inherited. Yuck yuck. At least we don't have to contend with Gu Zheng anymore.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Oh I sound so emotional. Farewell Violin 2 SL seat. Haha. I'm in Violin 1 now. I don't know if I will stay, 'cause this is the time of year when Musical Chairs is in style. So I was right when I told Kristie that this concert (the combined one yesterday) would be my last as principal player.

Ah well. I've been in Vln 2 for about a year already, and in the principal seat for slightly less than that. I still remember... Aww. There was SYF, FoA, IE Presentation, Combined concert...

^_^. Best of luck to the next Vln 2 SL. It's nice to sit at the back for a change. Less stress, and no more glares at point blank range (it's useless hiding behind the stand). Whee!

Had comm meeting with my teacher in charge today after CCA, so she took us out for dinner. ^_^ So nice of her. I saw the menu and it was , well, not a place my mom would ever bring me to. >.< There's much all of us have to do in our journey together, and in some ways I'm looking forward to it. Yay... Ganbatte, minasan!*

My mommy just told me that YFC (Youth for Christ) is looking for a quartet for their caroling sessions from the 19th to the 23rd. Like that's so many days, plus its so last minute. Shall round up a few of my friends and ask them. Just a little worried about what my conductor will say, so I think I'd better tell him first.

Got makeup music lesson tomorrow. Alan should be able to make it, even with his violin competition finals. I'm too lazy to go support him! Anyway I bet most of his fan club will be there so heehee.... ^_^

Looks like CCA matters will absorb the rest of my holiday. But I think I'd rather have it that way. ^_^ Some how I just love my CCA now. Haha.

*Must think positively! That is SO not me... -_-


That's it, camp's over, concert's over..... whew~

I still remember the very first combined comm meeting we had. It was just me, tianyi.... and almost the whole HCI comm. Haha.

I remember getting so upset with someone. And elaine had to mediate. Haha. Such a joke now.

I didn't like sitting next to you initially. I felt so embarrassed at first. Especially during wiren when I kept making mistakes. After awhile I got immune to your pro-ness (haha). And yet after some time I learnt a few things from you. And the only thing I can say is that your teacher, or ex-teacher, has a student he can be proud of.

Ok. Enough. That's all I will say about the subject.

All in all, the camp was a new (whether it was nice or not I shall not say) experience for all of us, and an emotional rollercoaster for some of us. Trust me, I know. But I think it's pretty much cleared up, thanks to intervention of a mature kind. ^_^ (Didn't know he could get so nice.) Haha. If you weren't there you wouldn't understand what I'm saying.

As for me... Camp was a pretty much a miracle. I didn't think we could pull it off. But we have, and I'm amazed to some extent. I shall not comment on whether we did it well or not (I think we're about to find out today after CCA), BUT we pulled it off. It was fun, especially the moments when we girls were together (like staying up till 1 am to talk ^_^). I remember being worried, irritated, clueless, relieved, happy (in the modern sense, not being derived from the word 'hap'), and well, a little useless too.

As for most amusing... Haha, I can't believe he still tried SO many times even when he could see me wedged between two pots practically sitting next to the card. Hee hee.

As for the concert... The drama centre was a quarter empty. Haiz. Personally, and I know some people will agree with me, I don't think our concert was great. In fact, I think our (NYSE's) FoA performance was more stunning. This one was... average, and not fantastic. I mean, there weren't major screwups (it wasn't THAT bad when Mr Chan dropped his baton), but it WASN'T wonderful! So. I don't really know why they were all, like, overjoyed. But considering that we only had less than 24 hours of combined rehearsal to get it all together you could call it miraculous, but definately not great. Oh well.

Concert again this Friday, and only two rehearsals before that. I seriously don't know how its going to turn out. Sigh. Oh well. It's only at Paragon anyway, and probably open air with all that car honking and etc... How good can it get?

I shall SMILE and be positive.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

The Greatest love of all


written by Michael Masser and Linda Creed
performed by Whitney Houston

I believe that children are our future
Teach them well and let them lead the way
Show them all the beauty they possess inside
Give them a sense of pride to make it easier
Let the children's laughter remind us how we used to be

Everybody's searching for a hero
People need someone to look up to
I never found anyone who fulfilled my need
A lonely place to be and so I learned to depend on me
I decided long ago never to walk in anyone's shadow

If I fail, if I succeed at least I'll live as I believe
No matter what they take from me, they can't take away my dignity
Because the greatest love of all is happening to me
I found the greatest love of all inside of me
The greatest love of all is easy to achieve

Learning to love yourself, it is the greatest love of all

Why is learning to love yourself the greatest love of all? I thought it's either the easiest or the hardest. But certainly not the greatest. You're either too darn selfish, or don't care about the life you have. But it's certainly not a Great thing.

But I think the greatest love of all is to love those who turned from You, openly rebelled against You, made You so hurt and sad and angry time and time again, and who betrayed You, is, to me, the greatest love in the world.

There's no greater love than this, there's no greater love than this
That a man would give his life for a friend
There's no higher sacrifice,
Than a man would give his life

You have paid a precious price for me.

I'm grateful. And I know I'm more blessed than most. The only thing is whether I can remember that when I feel just downright depressed.

For You loved me, when I was so unlovely
You cleansed me with Your own blood
You showed me how much You really loved me
When you bought me
At the highest cost