Karenai Hana

Sunday, May 23, 2010

Orchestra practice is starting this Wednesday. But after today, I just don't feel like doing music anymore. 好像我对音乐没有什么缘分。Really wish I could get out of the July 16th event. Seems like I keep meeting people who just think they're doing me a great favour by telling me how I fall short. I know, I'll keep meeting people like that in whatever I do, wherever I go, but it just seems to cut deeper when it comes to music.

What the heck man. I'm sick and tired of struggling with these people. Makes me think the only real way to enjoy music is the sit back and listen to the masters play it. Not that I mind, it just makes me boil when little undergrads from Yong Siew Toh think their prowess in their viola gives them legitimacy to tell others off when they're not up to the same standard.

I'm a political science student, you idiot. I have a freaking right not to be perfect in my sightreading, without any practice. Just freak off. He's one reason why I don't want to go back to the orchestra anymore. Don't want to see that stupid arrogant face. "I'm going to be really harsh and critical now". Here's MY version of harsh criticism, right back in your stuffed up, pale face.

And for that guy who came and mumbled on about how I'm not supposed to adjust the volume on the synthesizer, I understand you're trying to teach me, but sorry, nothing went in. I just didn't get you Honestly. I'm just so freaking going to do it like I always do. Maybe if you get lucky, I'll actually understand someday.

Deal with it.

*Hah, feel SO much better after being pissed off the whole day*

Tuesday, May 04, 2010

One day more

to freedom. A la Les Miserables, like Prawny was saying... It's 5pm and it's time to sing this song!

2239 wasn't that hard after all. But I'm still ambiguous over how I'll do. It was a repeat of whatever was covered in the term essays and tutorials, but seeing as how I didn't do well for my essay and didn't say much during tutorials, I'm not sure if that's a good thing.

2234 is tomorrow... Been super slack with my revision. :P

WORK HARDER WORK HARDER. It's so hard, when it's the last one...

Ooh. My period came again, after almost 2 months of not coming. Life stops when I have exams, right down to my body cycles. Eeesh.

Last weekend just flew by in a hurry. After 2239, of course no mood to study, then on duty for 2 services so that sped time up even more. Hmm. Just to be a little reflective on the past weekend... sometimes when people try hard to seem what they aren't, it just shows through too obviously and makes them... even more unapproachable? That's what I've learnt about myself in church.

But no, there's something more too... That's not completely it... Still trying to vocalize what I've experienced... but still falling short. Oh well. Stay tuned?

Have thought up some stuff I'd like to do during the coming hols!
1. Bake and cook more new stuff
2. Finish knitting Jason's scarf! Oh dear, oh dear. This one has been delayed since November!
3. Pick up my crafts again: earring making and knitting
4. Read through the Old Testament notes! Finished the series of class already still haven't read them yet!
5. Revise Japanese. So that when I take it up next semester, I won't completely drown in confusion. Grammar, vocab, word forms... Go Janey go!
6. Finish up the short story I'm writing.
7. Exercise more often!!!!!
8. Practice PIANO! Scales etc, and read up about Cimarosa-Haydn-Debussy
9. Learn a nice piece for the violin (: So it doesn't completely rot away. Start practicing orchestra part for next concert
10. Go overseas? Visit Elaine (if she'll put up with me hahahaha) or Shanghai World Expo?

That'll happen, let's see... This Saturday. Because first, I'm going SHOPPPING!!! And eating with Shana and Co. :D