Went blog surfing for a little while. I regret that now. I realize I'm being left behind by everyone I used to know. Oh well. I wonder if I'll ever have such good times as I used to have in NY? Who knows. Sometimes I wish the good times didn't happen so I wouldn't know what I'm missing.
Machigai ja? Nakatta yo ne. But on the other hand they're now so precious to me I wouldn't want ot miss it for all the world. Oh well.
I'm almost done with the Lit essay. It's turning out somewhat confused and somewhat on task, so I hope by the time I'm done with it it'll be comprehendable. In any case, I'm already in big trouble with my tutor. What can I say?
Interesting how Huxley thought the world would come to a day where everyone lived in an illusion of happiness and pleasure. As the trend goes, it seems like people are happier and happier being sad and anguished (note the contradiction). Gee. Perhaps it just takes time for the whole thing to make a full cycle. After all, Huxley's Brave New World is set in 2500 plus AD (or if you will, 632 AF). Thank God I won't be alive then.
Since I'm quite sure nobody is reading this, I will be liberal and air my views as much as I like. I'm glad I'm not going on the Japan tour with the CCA. I think I'd get more depressed. Lack of time aside, there would be other reasons. Which I still don't feel like admitting too, despite my confidence in a non-existance of you. Well, Mom reminds me two years is pretty darn short so I'll be out of there in no time. Sometimes I wonder whether that's really as good as she makes it out to be.
I suppose it is. Seems like life only gets more confusing as we get older.
FMP TSR OP is stuck in my head now. Kokoro egakidesu, chizujou no michi na FRONTIER... lalala. Hashiru minamikaze ni notte aoku somaru kaze wo kitte. Oh well. It's a nice song, just that the whole season is too emo for me. They could have done so much more with the plot and the characters like the Twins and Leonard. Isn't it pretty interesting to find that Gaul adopted twins, and that the new badie is an opera-mad lunatic? I mean, there's got to be some interesting history behind it right? And Leonard finally makes an appearance after we keep hearing about some long-lost brother of Tessa's but the only significant thing he does is to kiss Kaname and then get slapped by her for it. Dots. -_-"""" What kind of characterization is that? So dumb. The only characterization worth mentioning is that of Al, the Arbalest's AI. The viewer sees a human side to Al that was incorporated into him by his inventor during his conversations with Sousuke. Still, this season leaves too much unsaid and hurries way too much to the end. The worst part was all the emo-ing by Sousuke. Couldn't stand all those bits. When Sagara Sousuke starts emo-ing the world is falling down. I mean sure, he's not a machine and he does have problems he struggles with but surely his standing in the rain does not warrant as much screen time as it got. And poor Tessa is portrayed as a spoiled brat who doesn't know how to handle her feelings. Sweet little Tessa sidelined and given time only to throw a big temper. Wraith too. She played a much bigger part in the novel, but the process of how Kaname saved her from her paralysed state and how she helped Kaname was totally cut out of the season. Argh. The bottomline is this: too much emo-ing and too little plot. I'm not watching it again, except for the fighting bits in the last episode.
Machigai ja? Nakatta yo ne. But on the other hand they're now so precious to me I wouldn't want ot miss it for all the world. Oh well.
I'm almost done with the Lit essay. It's turning out somewhat confused and somewhat on task, so I hope by the time I'm done with it it'll be comprehendable. In any case, I'm already in big trouble with my tutor. What can I say?
Interesting how Huxley thought the world would come to a day where everyone lived in an illusion of happiness and pleasure. As the trend goes, it seems like people are happier and happier being sad and anguished (note the contradiction). Gee. Perhaps it just takes time for the whole thing to make a full cycle. After all, Huxley's Brave New World is set in 2500 plus AD (or if you will, 632 AF). Thank God I won't be alive then.
Since I'm quite sure nobody is reading this, I will be liberal and air my views as much as I like. I'm glad I'm not going on the Japan tour with the CCA. I think I'd get more depressed. Lack of time aside, there would be other reasons. Which I still don't feel like admitting too, despite my confidence in a non-existance of you. Well, Mom reminds me two years is pretty darn short so I'll be out of there in no time. Sometimes I wonder whether that's really as good as she makes it out to be.
I suppose it is. Seems like life only gets more confusing as we get older.
FMP TSR OP is stuck in my head now. Kokoro egakidesu, chizujou no michi na FRONTIER... lalala. Hashiru minamikaze ni notte aoku somaru kaze wo kitte. Oh well. It's a nice song, just that the whole season is too emo for me. They could have done so much more with the plot and the characters like the Twins and Leonard. Isn't it pretty interesting to find that Gaul adopted twins, and that the new badie is an opera-mad lunatic? I mean, there's got to be some interesting history behind it right? And Leonard finally makes an appearance after we keep hearing about some long-lost brother of Tessa's but the only significant thing he does is to kiss Kaname and then get slapped by her for it. Dots. -_-"""" What kind of characterization is that? So dumb. The only characterization worth mentioning is that of Al, the Arbalest's AI. The viewer sees a human side to Al that was incorporated into him by his inventor during his conversations with Sousuke. Still, this season leaves too much unsaid and hurries way too much to the end. The worst part was all the emo-ing by Sousuke. Couldn't stand all those bits. When Sagara Sousuke starts emo-ing the world is falling down. I mean sure, he's not a machine and he does have problems he struggles with but surely his standing in the rain does not warrant as much screen time as it got. And poor Tessa is portrayed as a spoiled brat who doesn't know how to handle her feelings. Sweet little Tessa sidelined and given time only to throw a big temper. Wraith too. She played a much bigger part in the novel, but the process of how Kaname saved her from her paralysed state and how she helped Kaname was totally cut out of the season. Argh. The bottomline is this: too much emo-ing and too little plot. I'm not watching it again, except for the fighting bits in the last episode.