Haiyoh. Can't see how I'm gonna live out the rest of the next two weeks... Probably by not sleeping. And by praying. Very hard!
The Low Down on Due Dates
Monday (aka tmr): PS2234 Think Piece 3
Tuesday: JS Facilitation report
Wednesday: PS2239 Class Presentation
Thursday: Breathe, breathe!
Friday: PS2249 Essay
Monday: GEK1012 Project
Tuesday: Whew...
Wednesday: Take a deep breath...
Thursday: GEK1012 Project Presentation; JS Final Paper
Friday: Dies of lack of sleep
Monday: PS2239 Essay
And then faint and sleep for three days straight, before getting up to mug for finals.
Hahahahha~ I amuse myself sometimes.
OH my God. I don't know HOW I'm going to get past the next two weeks.
Please give me strength...!
Elaine has told me, most interestingly, that a certain (in)famous musician is arranging church music! That's kinda pretty cool :) Church music needs nice orchestral arrangements. Plus it's always cool when a person realizes that they need God.
Worth a prayer. Janey will say one tonight.
Feel overwhelmed by paralysis. So it all piles up. Assignment begets assignment...
Oh yes. Just for the sake of blogging. Recently, I've been feeling that "only the deepest love shall induce me to marriage", to quote Jane Austen.
Marriage is overrated. 100%. Elizabeth Bennett got it right first time.